Demo 2 - MCU Target and pipelines
Estimated time : 5 minutes
Fill the form
Go to
Fil the form with the following information :
- Target :
NXP Cup board, MCU LPC55S69JBD100
- Runtime :
TensorFlow Lite
- Model :
Click on the Launch the benchmark
Key talking points :
- Target : The target this time is an MCU based on a Cortex M33.
- Runtime : The runtime is ThensoFlow Lite for microcontrollers. This benchmark will take more time than the previous one.
- Model : The selected model is very small, this target has very limited memory resources.
Wait for the results & show the pipeline
The result should be available in about 3 minutes.
Got to the pipeline page and show the different steps of the benchmark. Key talking points :
- Pipeline : The pipeline is the set of steps that are executed to run the benchmark.
- Runner : The runner is selected by the VirtualLab based on the Runner tags.
- Steps :
- Prepare : The VirtualLav prepares the environment. It downloads the model and the target sources to the runner.
- Run : The VirtualLab runs the different scripts to perform the benchmark.
- Upload : The runner uploads the result to the VirtualLab.
- End : The VirtualLab displays the result to the user.
Analyze the results
Key talking points :
- Small Model : The model is very small, the inference time is low.
In case of problems :
- Here is the resulting JSON.
- Here is the pipeline of the same benchmark.
Compare the results
Go to the history page and compare the two results.
Key talking points :
- Models : The models used and the targets are different. Thus comparing the results is not relevant. But here is just to illustrate the feature.