Video Scripts Release V1


Welcom to the Video presentation of the dAIEdge-VLab. In this video, we will present the dAIEdge-VLab and its features. We will also explain the overall architecture of the VLab.

The dAIEdge-VLab

To access the dAIEdge-VLab, you need to request an account from the dAIEdge-VLab team. Once you have an account, you can log in to the VLab website and start using it. The VLab provides a user-friendly interface to configure and run benchmarks, visualize results, and compare different models and targets.

Here is the website interface of the dAIEdge-VLab ; log in in the video

The dAIEdge-VLab Interface

Here is the main page to configure and run benchmarks: main page in the video

The first thing you need to do is to select a target from the list of available targets. The current list of target seems small but already represent a wide range of devices types. For instance, there are microcontrollers from ST and NXP with very limited ressources, there is also bigger devices like the Nvidia Jetson Nano, the Raspberry Pi 5 and the Myriad X from Intel. In fact, this last target was developped by Ubotica, a company that is part of the dAIEdge consortium.

Furthermore, because of the Vlab architecture, you can expand the Vlab capabilities by adding your own target. This will allow your target to show off its performance to the Vlab user base.

Once you selected a target, you have to choose the runtime you want to use. Some targets have multiple runtime available. For instance the Nvidia Jetson Nano, has Onnx runtime and TensorRT.

Then, you have to select the model you want to run. Finally, you can start the benchmark.

The dAIEdge-VLab Architecture

Once the benchmark is started, the VLab will look for the target you selected, the it will send the model and configuration to the available target. The target will then run the model and send back the results to the VLab. Then the web interface will display the results in a user-friendly way.

Start two other benchmarks

While the first benchmark is running, I will start two other benchmarks. In the video, start two other benchmarks speed-up


In the history tab, you can see all the benchmarks you ran. Thanks to your account, you can access your history regardless of the device you are logged in with.