Benchmark Report Keys

This page describes all the keys that are used in the benchmark report. The report output is a json file that contains all the keys even if they are not used.

Report available keys

General information keys

  • version (type: str): This field is used to keep track of the report version. Currently, this field is not used.
  • date (type: str) : Date and time of the generation of the report. Format : YY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
  • target (type: str): Target name
  • target_id (type: str): Unique ID of the target
  • version_tag (type: str): Version of the target used for the benchmark.
  • inference_engine (type: str): Inference engine used to run the model.
  • model_file_name (type: str): Name of the model used for the benchmark.
  • benchmark_type (type: str): This field contains the type of benchmark from which the measures from. (TYPE1 : random data, TYPE2 : dataset preprocessed, TYPE3: raw dataset).
  • nb_infernece (type: int): Number of inference performed for the benchmark

Hardware specific keys

  • ram_size (type: int): Size in bytes of the available RAM of the system.
  • ram_peak (type: float): Percentage of the peak RAM usage.
  • flash_size (type int): Size in bytes of the available FLASH.
  • flash_usage (type: float): Percentage of the FLASH usage. Might not be relevant for Linux targets.
  • load_cpu (type: float): Percentage of the CPU usage.
  • load_accelerator (type: float): Percentage of the accelerator (GPU, NPU, …) usage.
  • temperature (type: float): Temperature of the system (?) in °C.
  • ambiant_temperature (type: float): Temperature in °C of the room where the system is.
  • power_consumption (type: float): Power consumption of the system in Watt.
  • enery_efficiency (type: float): Energy efficiency in Operation Per Watt (OPW).
  • FLOPs (type: float): Operations per seconds
  • inference_latency (type: json): This key contains a json composed of all the latency measures.
    • mean (type: float): Mean in seconds of all the inferences performed.
    • std (type: flaot): Standard deviation of all the inferences performed.
    • min (type: float): Minimum inference time in seconds.
    • max (type: float): Maximum inference time in seconds.
    • troughput (type: float): Throughput of the system in inference per seconds.
    • latency_per_layers (type: list): This key contains a list of json composed of all the layer’s latency measures.
      • <element list> (type: json): Each layer is represented as a json.
        • layer_name (type: str): Name of the layer
        • mean (type: float): Mean in seconds of the layer <layer_name>.
        • std (type: flaot): Standard deviation of the layer <layer_name>.
        • min (type: float): Minimum inference time in seconds for the layer <layer_name>.
        • max (type: float): Maximum inference time in seconds for the layer <layer_name>.
  • preprocess_time (type: json): Timing of the preprocessing.
    • mean (type: float): Mean in seconds of all the preprocessing time.
    • std (type: float): std time of all the preprocessing time.
    • min (type: float): min time of all the preprocessing time.
    • max (type: float): max time of all the preprocessing time.
  • postprocess_time (type: json): Timing of the post-processing.
    • mean (type: float): Mean in seconds of all the post-processing time.
    • std (type: float): std time of all the post-processing time.
    • min (type: float): min time of all the post-processing time.
    • max (type: float): max time of all the post-processing time.

Hardware agnostic keys

  • model_size (type: int): Size in bytes of the model on the target (after any compression / optimization performed by the engine).
  • nb_parameters_model (type: int): Number of parameters of the model.
  • accuracy (type: float): Accuracy of the model (value between 0 and 1).

Report generation

The generated report should contain all the previously described keys. If you do not have a value for a given key, replace the value of this key by the keyword null. Example :

"ram_size": 4096,
"ram_peak": 0.7,
"flash_size": null,
Important: If the report does not contain all the keys, the report may not be accepted by the dAIEdge-VLab. You will then receive an error message on the website interface or via email.

Keys automatically overrided

The dAIEdge-VLab CI/CD automatically override some keys of the report generated by the Target. These keys are overrided to ensure their proper value.

Report key Value overrided with
date Time at the execution of the report finalizer.
target_id NA
version_tag $VERSION_TAG
target $TARGET
inference_engine $RUNTIME
benchmark_type $BENCHMARK_TYPE
model_file_name $MODEL_FILENAME wihtout the time stamp