Target Structure

This page describes the general structure of the target repositories that are used by the dAIEdge-VLab CI/CD. The dAIEdge-VLab CI/CD deploys and run the content of the target repository on a GitLab-Runner that has the target attached. The GitLab-Runner is based on the image describes by the dockerfile in the docker directory of the target repository. Here are some templates and some examples of implementations :

Naming convention

The naming scheme of the target repository is the following: <TARGET>_<RUNTIME>

Example : TARGET = STM32L4R9, RUNTIME = TFLite. The repository name is STM32L4R9_TFLite.

Folder Structure & Scripts

A target repository must be composed of the following folders :

  • AI_Support : Scripts and tools for code generation
  • AI_Project : Project for the target (AI_Benchmark)
  • AI_Build : Scripts to cross compile the code for the target
  • AI_Deploy : Scripts to deploy (programm) the target
  • AI_Manager : Scripts that gather metrics from the target and generate the benchmark report. The final report is saved in the AI_Manager/out folder.
  • docker : Contains the dockerfile and environment dependencies
Important: The model file is copied in the root folder. You should then consider that the model file is at this location for all the implementation of this repository. You are free to copy the model file anywhere you want. However, this must be done automatically in your implementation.
Handling Errors: The errors handling is described here.

Mandatory scripts

In the folders AI_Support, AI_Build, AI_Deploy, and AI_Manager you must place a bash script with the following names :

  • in AI_Support
  • in AI_Build
  • in AI_Deploy
  • in AI_Manager

Make sure that these scripts have the correct permissions.

Launch order: These scripts are run in the order presented above. The script is run first, then the, and finally the script.
Launch behaviour: These scripts are run from the parent (root) folder. Thus, the working directory of the shell is from the parent folder. You may use cd commands to change the working directory.

You can copy and run the commands bellow to create all the mandatory folders and bash scripts.

# Create the folders 
mkdir AI_Support
mkdir AI_Project
mkdir AI_Build
mkdir AI_Deploy
mkdir AI_Manager
mkdir AI_Manager/out
mkdir docker

# Create the bash scripts (empty files)
touch AI_Support/
touch AI_Build/
touch AI_Deploy/
touch AI_Manager/
touch docker/dockerfile

# Give permissions to the scripts
chmod +x AI_Support/
chmod +x AI_Build/
chmod +x AI_Deploy/
chmod +x AI_Manager/

The resulting structure should look like this :

      • dockerfile