
This sections groups all the information and development recommendation for the development and deployment of a target in the dAIEdge-VLab.


Follow the next sections to develop and deploy a Target on the dAIEdge-VLab.

Target Overview

A target is an electronic device that is programmable. It may be of any kind of sort, the only requirement is that it can communication with another PC (e.g. via Ethernet or via UART (RS232)) if the host is a separate entity.

Host & Target : You may want to use your target as the host too. Follow this section for more details Remote Host.

Target requirement

  • Programmable device (OS based target included)
  • Communication capabilities. It is recommended to use wired communication over wireless for better performances and stability

Target goal

The target goal is manly to run a given model using a given inference engine. The target must then return information regarding the corresponding application. In the case of a simple benchmarking application, the target returns a standardized report with the gathered metrics.